Service Academy was conceived to help free people realize their full potential as creators and leaders. Perhaps nowhere in the free world is there more potential for creative leadership than in the emerging economies of India and greater South Asia. Service Academy was honored and privileged to be toured through Sri Lanka and India for three weeks in October. Fruitful partnerships were formed, friends were made, and Service Academy Local Teams are now popping up all over South Asia!
Service Academy was blessed to join a group of young professionals in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to provide a keynote address and instruction on Project (and life) Management. This group of all-stars is GUARANTEED to shape the future of South Asia, and we’re all the better for it. What’s more, numerous Service Academy small groups are cropping up across Nepal, India, and Bangladesh from this impressive group of amazing minds.

Service Academy is equally blessed to have partnered with one of India’s preeminent institutes of higher learning, OP Jindal Global University. This state of the art campus boasts some of India’s brightest young minds. It was an honor to address this group and discuss concepts for personal development and how that will yield dividends in their professional lives. We look forward to a long and fruitful partnership with OP Jindal!

Miracles continued to pile up for Service Academy in South Asia, as a partnership developed with Yuva Unstoppable- THE leading charitable organization for underserved youth education. YU has already refurbished more than 6,000 government schools, with another 2,400 to go next year. They are working miracles. Service Academy is humbled to join their effort and offer complimentary lessons in personal and professional development to these amazing students (school above in New Delhi).

These youths truly are unstoppable! And so was Service Academy’s rollicking tour of South Asia. SA continued to deliver personal development lessons to these amazing kids, here in underserved areas of greater Mumbai (Bombay). Service Academy is really making a difference for these exceptional kids! Thank you for your support!